open sez me

16 Oct 2005

In the continued theme of trying to make Windows XP more Michael friendly, I wrote a XP/cygwin version of the Mac OS X command line tool “open”. If you’ve not used Mac OS X (you poor thing), or you have Mac OS X and prefer Finder over the more useful zsh, then perhaps an explanation is in order. The open command essentially is a magic launcher for the command line. You issue open on a particular file and it’s as if you double clicked on it in Finder - so it’ll open the file in the appropriate manner. I find when I wonder to either Linux or XP (something my job forced me to do until a certain computer manufacturer relases machines with processors from a certain chip manufacturer) I’m constantly trying to use open on files as it’s so damn handy. Anyway, I finally snapped and broke out Visual Studio for the first time in a long, long while and wrote a XP version of open. It’s mostly working now, and handles cygwin’s weirdness for paths too. Life is now a little less painful at the code front :)