ArcEm update

20 Oct 2005

I’ve been prodding the Mac OS X port of ArcEm at the moment to try and get it back up to date with the latest and greatest source code in the ArcEm CVS respository. The nice thing is that people are adding nice features, but the bad thing is that they tend not to think about ArcEm running on other platforms, so I found a lot of the porting work I’d done originally in making it big-endian friendly undone. Oh well. Programmers today, not like when I were lad, etc.

I updated the alpha release on the below linked page to a build that is made with the latest and greatest gcc version. Seems there’s been a reasonable amount of optimisation done on gcc in the last year and a bit since I last updated the project! Hopefully I’ll work in some of the new stuff like host file system support. That’s actually working to some degree, but it’s not really tested yet:

ArcEm showing the same folder in both RISCOS and macOS
