Terrible, but that’s practice. I’ve not been very inspired at the moment due to other things clouding my mind, so struggling to get anything cohesive practice wise.

Embarrassingly I forget the name of this piece, and its been an age since I knowingly listened to it, but this is me trying to play it from my memory of having heard it as part of training my ear

Normally in a I-IV-V chord progression I’d play the same minor pentatonic scale over all three chords. Here I’m confusing myself by trying to play the right arpeggio scale for the current chord.

I was feeling very uninspired again today, when at the end this song came to me and I put down the electric and played this, which I think is under appreciated in R.E.M.’s back catalogue. Simple chords but a beautiful song.

Trying or some new chord progressions at the moment and then wiring or which scales/arpeggios work well over them.

Sorry the audio is so quiet - must have knocked the level on my preamp and you can’t tweak that readily on the phone alas.

After a long day yesterday feeling a bit run down and my heart wasn’t really in it, but I managed half an hour still. Most of what I practiced was funk strumming with wah, but the audio was terrible due some reason (beyond just my playing) and so you get this instead.

Having a stab at the intro now. I suspect I’ll be learning snippets of this song for the next decade given how long it is - my phone now knows to auto suggest the entire sing artist name now 😂

I had only 5 minutes spare this morning before I needed to head to work, so I did this quick play with the central riff from a song my friend Adam wrote when we were back at university. I still really like this song.