2nd January 2024 at 18:48

Each version of Forza seems to look that little bit better than before. Here is my first-gen MX-5 I’m racing in the latest version of the game, showing off it’s most important feature.

In games like Forza you’re encouraged to slowly upgrade your car, and until recently most of the options meant nothing to me, beyond the obvious things like exhaust or air filter improvements, or better tyres. Recently whilst L was away for a week I slowly ploughed through this series on upgrading an MX-5 from stock, which documented the trials and tribulations of such acts, but also was a hands on thing where they did just take apart the car and do the upgrades.

Given we’ve driven EVs for the last ten years most of this knowledge isn’t of practical use, but it’s nice to at least know what I’m supposedly doing in the Forza car upgrade menu.