Racing history

24 Jun 2008

My friend Scott Leishman, who was a mentor to me at Xilinx Edinburgh when I did my various internship stints there, is moving on to pastures new, and in clearing his desk he discovered this old picture back from (I estimate) 1998, taken on a Xilinx company day out:

There’s a bigger version here. In case you’re struggling, I’m the one in the middle top, and Scott is the blond chap second from left. If I remember correctly we’d been split into a fast category and slow category, and despite my elevated position, I won the slow category :)

Xilinx Edinburgh was a fantastic place, entirely down to it being staffed by amazingly nice and intelligent people, and I look back on my time there with nothing but fondness. Whilst the University did a good job in teaching me technical aspects of my job, my time at Xilinx Edinburgh taught me what it was to apply those skills to products and how to work in a team. To some degree my time there spoiled me as it was such an unusually nice work environment – hopefully one I can help foster here at Camvine :)