Make Poverty History

26 Jun 2005

Despite my first impression, I’m told this isn’t a challenge for me to run up as much debt as possible, but something far more useful. Basically, MPH are looking for three things: 1) to remove trade restrictions on developing nations so that they can better serve their own economic needs, 2) Removing the burden of debt repayments on poor countries so that they can spend money on helping the people of that country, and 3) Making governments deliver on their aid promises. These all seem like reasonable ideas to me - you can read the detailed manifesto here for yourself. Although I pity the residents of Edinburgh next weekend (I’m not convinced Edinburgh as a city will gracefully handle a 600% increase in population, even if it is just for one day!), I wish the protesters luck with trying to draw the G8 leaders attention - seems like some people in the right place are listening.

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