Batman Begins

26 Jun 2005

I must admit, going to see this film I was a bit hesitent - despite the mess they made of the sequels, I really liked the first Tim Burton Batman outing, and I didn’t think they could top that. But I was wrong - Batman Begins is much better. It takes time to look at how Bruce Wayne became the Batman in a way the tim Burton film didn’t. This film is the first to completely throw away the cartoony image that the Adam West era (as fun as it is) had given Batman. The film is over two hours long, and thus has time to deliver both a detailed back story, a well thought-out story, and the action scenes a film of this nature needs. It also has a very good cast, containing Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, Gary Oldman, Rutger Hauer, Tom Wilkinson, and Liam Neeson - and I’ve not mentioned Batman in that lot. I’ve not seen him in anything before, but Cillian Murphy did an excellent job as Dr. Crane too. Anyway, a good film in you like you’re action with a bit of a story there.