Directions based on MMS picture

15 Apr 2004

This is pretty neat. Some dudes have come up with a system whereby you can send a picture from your phone of your surroundings, and the service will work out where you are and can send you directions to where you want to be. It does this by munging the picture to try and find out what buildings you’re next to and what direction you’re facing. Pretty neat, though it’ll require a lot of mapping to get it working as a product, and there’s a question of how much people will use it and be willing to pay for it. It’s a bit like the service that launched a couple of years ago that let you play 30 seconds of music down the phone and it would txt you back telling you what the song was. Perfect for when you hear a tune in the pub and don’t know what it is, but I never met anyone that actually seemed to have make use of the service.
