Pass the D100

6 Jun 2003

I’ve been tidying up my room in preparation for moving out. Actually, by tidying I mean throwing stuff out. I’m a hoarder of stuff, so I was quite heartless for once, and now I’ve filled five bin bags of stuff and there seems to have been bugger all difference. Oh well. But I digress from the thing I was meant to be ranting about.

I dug out a copy of Warhammer Fantasy Role Playing (or such), which I’ve had stashed in a box for about ten years. When I was at high school I really enjoyed Warhammer 40,000, which for the uninitiated is a futuristic table top war game. Mainly I enjoyed the painting and modelling stuff (I like to think I got quite good at it), but I was utter rubbish at the game. I am so not General material. I also liked the look of role playing games, but unfortunately never managed to get enough people together when at high school to give it a shot. I liked the detailed background descriptions, the maps, teh mysteries, and so on.

You’d expect that when I’d get to Uni then that I’d be sorted. Glasgow Uni seems to have quite an active set of Goblins (what my better half calls people who play role playing games - she knows quite a few of them). But no, I didn’t. I was never really into joining in uni societies - mainly ‘cos I lived so far away when an under grad. And since then I’ve just not had a chance. Small things like getting degrees and consuming alcohol and spending time with my better half have have provided alternative sinks for my being.

It’s tempting to have a go now that I’m freer in time having submitted my dissertation. The only think that puts me off is the worry that I’ll be really crap at it, and that it’ll be yet another hobby to tick off in the “total computer geek hobby set” - I already play guitar, juggle, and for the longest of times I had really long hair. I suspect I’m just not destined to grow up am I?