Mobile coffee bar

6 Jun 2007

Continuing our habit of drinking coffee on route places, whilst heading towards Swindon to visit friends last weekend we stopped for coffee just off the Bicester Bypass:

Laura pouring coffee from a thermos into two coffee cups sat on the seat of a motorbike

Who needs service stations when the sun is out and you have a thermos of coffee? This was the first time we’d taken the bike on a weekend trip loaded with luggage. I think we were surprised at how much we took for just a few days, though we were prepared for Siberian weather if need be (thankfully we didn’t need it). I think if we’re to achieve camping on the bike (as I really would like to do) we need to try and rework our packing technique.

Still, it was a nice trip. I got into motorcycling partly to travel and see places, so it’s nice to start doing this. I’m very lucky Laura can cope with my motorcycling habit – I have to take her word for it that it’s not boring being a pillion for long distances. But I was really pleased to be out and about on the bike, even if I did have to negotiate my away around Milton Keynes…

I was also pleased that the bike fully loaded with two people, full sets of luggage, and a full frame of fuel (the Buell has the fuel in the frame, not in a tank on top) ate the hills around and up to the Uffington White Horse with out any hint of noticing the conditions.

I hope it’ll be as happy with the camping gear on board too, otherwise I might be forced to consult the Touratech catalogue once again…