Barbican Run

30 Sep 2007

Yesterday Laura and I went to the Barbican centre to see A Disappearing Number. I’d never been to the Barbican Centre before, but it has a wonderful feel of Logan’s Run to the architecture and the way it’s maintained. It’s borderline ugly, but pulls it off in such a way as to be wonderful instead.

My camera fails really to do any of it justice. There’s also a very nice water garden there, and in the sun everything just lit up wonderfully.

The Barbican Theatre itself also continues the theme, and the way the stalls are entered is very well done – you go down a stair corridor not realising you’re already in the theatre due to where the columns at the end of each row of seats is placed. It’s quite an interesting building.

The play we saw was very well done. I fear I’m turning into a walking hyperbole generator, but I really did enjoy it. It used a sparse set, but with great use of projection, including some nifty time delay replay, and having people pass through screens and so on. The story ways very interesting, being based around maths and mathematicians, not perfectly clear at all points, but very enjoyable. I highly recommend it as a splendid piece of dynamic theatre.