I had a nice catch up with my brother and he taught me this riff he wrote for Ikari. It’s all in the A major scale, but having spent all my time playing minor pentatonics and simple arpeggios it feels very unnatural to me (which makes it a good thing to practice).

I can easily lose myself doing improv over a looper like this - this clip was ten minutes long :) I’m still too linear in my scale movement, which is more obvious now I watch this back.

Mostly for my sister as she has memories of me being able to play this when I was at uni and I’d totally forgotten it :) This is practice, so I left examples of failing in. Spare a thought for Laura who had to listen to me fail a hundred times over, every day :) I’m very grateful that she can tolerate it! Thanks sweetie!

I tried to do something more tuneful, but nothing sounded that good :) This is a more complicated alternate picking exercise I do to try build up my timing.

Not all practice is fun tunes. As mentioned I struggle with rhythm and coordination, so after a hiatus I’m back on the metronome

I really struggle with timing and coordinating my left and right hands, so getting this to a point where I don’t stumble plucking as I change chord has been a lot of work :)

An older tune I learned in my uni days, but it’s hard to resist playing it when I pick up my Eb tuned tele as it’s fun to play.

15 Jan 2019

In which Michael discovers shimmer reverb.

25 Nov 2018

Practicing my double stops and slipping into some @johnmayer - I blame Danish Pete‘s videos for sending me down this particular avenue of play style :)