9th August 2024 at 14:00

I used to more regularly remember to go out and tramp around the roads out east along the Cambridgeshire and Suffolk border. It’s not quite so flat out there, and there are a lot single track roads with views over rolling farmland, and on a day like today can be beautiful in its own way.

Jag brukade åkte ut mer ofta på min motorcykel och rida runt vägarna ut öst på grånsen mellan Cambridgeshire och Suffolk. Det är inte så platt dit, med enkelspårig vägar och jordbruksmark. På en dag lik idag det är ganske vackra.

A photo taken on a bright sunny day from the view of a person sitting on a motorbike, with their gloves and helmet on the handlebars, looking down a section of single-track road with fields either side that vanishes into some woodlands.
A selfie photo of me taken sitting on a motorbike holding the camera behind to show what's ahead of me, with my helmet and golves on the handlebar, and I'm squiting as the sun is in my eyes. Ahead is a section of single-track road with fields either side that vanishes into some woodlands.