16th May 2023 at 17:36

For my birthday, Laura took me to visit the Wildwood Trust re-wilding centre down in Kent, which have been in the news this last year because they’ve just re-introduced bison to a forest in Kent, a species that was hunted to extinction a long time ago in the UK. In addition to that, we’ve been taken with Moose of late, and this was a chance to meet one.

In addition to that, Laura’s Mum kindly got me a voucher for a photography day experience at Wildwood, which I’ve just done. I’ve never done wildlife photography before, and so it was a good day learning the basics with the tutelage of their in-house photography. The day was very enjoyable - the animals were in no way made to perform for us, we just took them as they were in the pens, and it took me a couple of circuits of the pens to get a close to complete set, as different animals were out at different times. Our guide did a great job of teaching us the fundamentals of trying to both compose shots and the technical challenges of making wire fences disappear and so forth.

You can see the results of that training in this photo album - for a complete novice, I feel I did not bad to come away with those shots. I don’t have the right lens for this sort of thing, so I hired a Tamron 50-400mm from Lenses for Hire, and was really pleased with it.