
16 Apr 2008

I’ve been slow blogging of late, but like Laura I’ve been using Twitter of late, which gives you a less detailed, feed of what I’m up to, but with much more regular updates. For facebook users, it’s a bit like your facebook status, but I find I set it more often as I can use either, the website, my phone or IM to set my twitter status, and similarly I can use the same methods to follow my friends – every time Laura tweets I get a text message!

I’m not sure how useful it is, but it’s an interesting thing to play with. There’s some interesting feeds out there too: you can follow what’s going on with the Prime Minister, see the activity on Tower Bridge, or follow the status of ferries to the Isle of Wight (useful if you live there I guess :). Because you can easily automate twittering, there’s quite a few interesting feeds people have done of their house’s resource consumption and so on.

For now anyway you can either follow my feed either on the twitter website, or I’ve put it to the right of my main blog page. The formatting is a bit off, but I’ll get it tidied up at some point. Or you could subscribe and start tweeting yourself so I can see what you’re up to :)