The short way across

16 Jul 2007

This weekend Laura and I went camping again, only this time, with a spirit of adventure about us, we took the bike rather than the car:

This was a bit of an experiment, and I was worried that Laura would suffer at the hands of my biking obsession, but it all seemed to work well. We only missed a couple of items, and those were just forgetfulness rather than lack of space. I was very pleased that the Ulysses coped admirably with being loaded up for a camping trip for two – I’d bought it with this sort of journey in mind, but was worried I might be expecting too much of it. But we managed to fit both of us on the bike along with all our gear (thank goodness for ortlieb bags), and the Buell’s engine didn’t mind the extra load at all, and the bike’s low centre of gravity helped with keeping the bike stable with the extra high up weight.

Anyway, we seemed to survive the weekend, and I was pleased to get to spend a weekend tootling around on the bike with Laura. We went out in a day boat again, which I’m coming to quite enjoy, being a water novice. We recorded the weekend with our usual array of pictures :)