So long and thanks for all the chips...

30 Nov 2006

The lab closes tomorrow, but I moved all my stuff out today. I own too many books… (not really, books are good).

Left me feeling glum, less that I’ll miss the place (though I’ll certainly miss the people, and perhaps I will miss the place later), but more some anger at it all and at me and some sadness. It’s been a bit of a rough year all told, though there’s been some very positive things happen to me in this year, there’s been more downs that I’d like. I guess I also feel quiet rudderless at the moment. I’ve got some offers lined up, but it’s a question of trying to figure out what I want from any of it all.

Mr Fry captures how I feel here to some degree. Here’s to 2007 and the future etc. Soupytwist.