Ride to work day - done!

18 Jul 2007

As I mentioned last week, today is Ride To Work Day, which is an attempt to promote motorcycling in general, and in particular this year that the bike test regulations change soon, so encouraging people to learn sooner rather than later if you’re interested.

In Cambridge there was a ride out organised from the Auto Stop Café in Wimpole into Cambridge. Laura and I went along, and the turn out was quite good, with the car park looking more like a high-end bike show room by the time we came to set off:

Can you spot Laura and the Uly? :)

The event was partly organised by the local BikeSafe branch, and as such there was a police escort, helping the 20 odd bikes processed along the A603 without interruption. This was my first bit of group riding, and good fun. Hopefully a few people will have noticed us pass by, and I gather the organisers have been busy doing interviews for local radio and such.

Laura has also blogged the event, and she has some much better pictures – you can see the snazzy top I got given in the top picture :)