Quiz Buster

23 Feb 2011

For those of you that don’t subscribe to the Digital Flapjack Blog, I thought I’d mention that I have another iPhone/iPod Touch app in the app store now, Quiz Buster.

Quiz Buster was born out of my playing, amongst other things, with the True Knowledge API. True Knowledge, where Laura is now Head of Knowledge, is a question answering service, where you can fire in plain English questions and get get a plain English answer back (assuming the True Knowledge AI knows the answers yet).

Having played with the API enough to have a demo app working, I decided to polish it off and release it as Quiz Buster, an app designed to help you with tricky quiz questions. It’ll answer your questions, store those answers locally for quick recall, and provide links to wikipedia where possible. It’s on the app store for the princely sum of £0.59, not bad for an app that can answer questions using the power of an Internet AI!