Too Much Coffee Man

10 Dec 2005

I don’t think I’ve mentioned TMCM on this blog before, which is a bit remiss of me. For a far too short a period of time, TMCM was a comic book series (only 8 issues in total IIRC, I have them all somewhere) featuring three story lines: the first about Too Much Coffee Man and his cohorts, the second about the author, and third about a couple of hipster types. All are basically a way for Shannon Wheeler to look at the absurdities of modern life, and all highly recommended. The comic book gave way to a magazine which had quite a weird set of articles, which I never really took too, so for me there TMCM ended. But today I was introducing a friend to the wonder that is TMCM, and I was pleased to discover that not only are the original TMCM strips on the web site (not the other stories that I could see though, which is a shame), but there’s a lot more. Wheeler seems to have taken a more social/political slant with the later comics, but still it’s (for the most part) good stuff.
