Our World, Our Say

16 Mar 2003

Gah, it looks like (disappointingly but not really surprisingly) the US and the UK will be going to war with Iraq. I know it’s a messy issue, and that sometimes war is necessary, but Tony Blair has utterly failed to convince me (and by the looks of it, a lot of the country) that there is any need to do so here. Even though it looks inevitable, there’s still time to try and register disapproval. Our World, Our Say is attempting to organise a virtual lobby, so go and register there if you wish to take part in a co-ordinated attempt to get the message through to the government.

In a similar move, there’s a series of vigils for peace in Glasgow at 7 pm today (Sunday) at - George Square, the Quaker Meeting House in Elmbank Street and on the corner of Byres Rd and Great western by the Botanics. Attendees should bring along a candle (and knowing Glasgow’s weather, a wind shield for said candle!).

See what happens if you let a monkey run the only superpower left?

Link: http://www.ourworldoursay.org/