The Bourne Supremacy

19 Sep 2004

Not being a fan of Matt Damon in particular, I was pleasently surprised at how good The Bourne Identity was when it came out. A very slick film, with no over the top acting, well paced, and a good story. I’ve since tried reading the book, but didn’t find it as slick as the film, and in fact the story diverges quite a bit. Anyway, the sequel is out now, The Bourne Supremacy. this is a good action thriller, but not as good as the original film. Matt Damon does a good turn as Bourne, it has some well done action sequences, and overall it’s enjoyable. But Franka Potente who was very good in the original is wasted in this film, and basically it didn’t have the catch of the original, in that we know who he is. This film is also driven by a quest for knowledge, but it’s not as big a quest as the original. Still, a fun film, and one of the other assassins in the film (the one played by Karl Urban) looks for all the world like Michael Owen :)
