Vol. 2

7 May 2004

Finally managed to see Kill Bill Vol. 2 the other night, and quite enjoyed it. It’s at a differnt pace from Vol. 1, with less gratuitous gore and more character and backstory development. Not that I thought there was anything wrong with the gore of the first film, which so over the top to be taken realistically, but I think the two parts complement each other really well with the change of pace. There are some class moments in Vol. 2, which I won’t spoil here for you, and I recommend you go and see it if you enjoyed the first part.

Actually, one thing that amused me was (look away now if you want to know nothing about the film yet, though this is only a cast spoiler) Samual L. Jackson’s tiny part. He’s got so much on screen cool that he steals the stage for the brief time he’s on it - he just drips cool, and it almost seems out of place for the character he’s playing. Though it wouldn’t be a QT film these days without SLJ :)