Chemistry for dummies
At high school I managed to get an A in sixth year studies chemistry (an SYS is the highest high school exam in Scotland, or at least it was when I did them), but now, I can hardly remember any of it. I can remember a fwe key words, live valency, and redox reactions, and I can recite to you Hund’s Rule of Maximum Multiplicity (God knows why that particular one lodged itself in my brain), but I can’t really remember how any of it works. It’s annoyign that it’s all fallen out, along with lots of stuff on analog electronics and calculus.
Anyway, I decided to refresh my brain on it, so for light reading, after much flicking through the chemistry books at Borders, I got Chemistry for Dummies :) Despite it’s title, it actually makes for a good refresher course, and it’s got all the bits that we covered in the standard grade (GCSE level to English folk) at School. Also, it’s a a lot cheaper than most the other text books they had on the topic. And how much of a dummies book can it be with a section on nuclear fussion/fission? Anyway, it’s very easy to read, and seems to be just the ticket.