Timmy's Torrid Tonic

10 Mar 2004

It’s amazing what the human race can invent. Now, whilst I’m a caffine fan, and a big chilli fan, I must say I’m both impressed and scared by the invention of Timmy’s Torrid Tonic - Caffinated Hot Sauce! I guess whilst I like both, I’m not sure I’d want them mixed in this particular manner. Cheers to Huw for the pointer.

On a related note, I should point out that you can do weird mixes and get away with it. Chilli and chocolate go well together. I made some chilli chocalate cake once, and Huw once had chocolate covered almonds that had some chilli in. And, some mexican meals have chocolate (dark) mixed in with fajita type sauce. Of course, none of my office mates believe me on this fusion.

Link: http://www.thinkgeek.com/caffeine/accessories/66c7/