osx2x 2.2 released

28 Jan 2004

Yet another osx2x update, straight from 2.0 to 2.2 this time. The large version number change belies a fair amount of work on it. In 2.1 I added some graphical functionality, so that you get nice arrows on the screen (I’m sure I’ve blogged that already). This was given to testers, but then I’ve had a series of feature requests from David Baroff at Pixar, so I added them, and thus decided this was no longer 2.1, so 2.2 it is.

Stuff that’s changed: fixed copy and paste bug (ta to JP for help with that), the funky arrows, server settings remembered between sessions (including VNC passwords in your keychain if you want), autoreconnection of selected servers at launch. I’m sure there’s more, but that’s it off the top of my head :) Enjoy!

Oh, it might take a few hours for the below link to update to show this new version, but it will happen, and the downlaod binary has been already updated.

Link: http://www.opendarwin.org/projects/osx2x/