more osx2x action

18 Jun 2003

Ah, you thought you were safe from dull news about osx2x. Prompted by news that some dude is halfway through producing a VNC backend for osx2x, which means it will be able to control anything running a VNC server, I started messing about. I needed to add support for multiple types of connection, which made me think about adding support for multiple connections, something that I’d planned to add for ages but not got round to. Well, I’ve spent the last few evenings really gutting osx2x and putting it back togther to support it, and now I have a version that supports multiple X11 connections! Yay. So now you can have up to five connections (one for each side of the screen, plus a toggle by keypress one). It looks not a little like this:

There’s still a fair bit of tidying up to do, but it’s getting there. It’s weird to think that something I’ve written will reach version two - I tend not to be that dedicated ;)
