Little Miss Sunshine

14 Sep 2006

Been managing to see a series of good films of late. Currently I note that I’ve seen all but one film on at the Picture House, which I finally got around to being a member of. Last weekend I saw Little Miss Sunshine, a film about a family’s road trip to take the daughter of the family to the talent contest that gives the film its name. It’s a charming quirky film, watching a group of life’s losers bouncing off each other as they try to achieve this trip together. The acting is very good, and it doesn’t try too hard. I guess the nearest film I could compare it too is Grosse Pointe Blank in terms of tone, but that doesn’t really do it justice, as LMS stands on it’s own very well. Anyway, the trailer is here – and don’t fear (like I did) that the trailer has all the funny bits in and the rest of the film is going to be a let down, the entire film is of a high quality. Definitely added to to my list of top films.