Guitar rising

21 Feb 2008

I had some top fun whilst up in Glasgow recently playing Guitar Hero with my brother. You play on a faux guitar (it has buttons for frets and a switch your flick where the strings would be) in time to real songs, and get points for timing/accuracy. It’s lots of fun, and gives a good sense that you’re “playing”, though some songs were better than others at this. I do recommend it.

Of course, it nagged me slightly that this was a bit more fun that playing the real guitars I own. What they need is a version you can play with a real guitar as well. Well, it looks like that’ll happen later this year with Guitar Rising, which is Guitar Hero but with a real guitar. This video explains all:

I don’t think this replaces Guitar Hero – there are times when you want to play real guitar and there are times you just want some instant gratification with other gamers – Guitar Hero has to the the ultimate party video game. At least I own the controller for Guitar Rising :D