This morning I went swimming for the first time in many years, and to be honest, that was a random few splashes, and I was probably quite young if you want to find any point when I regularly went swimming. Anyway, given I go to the gym on a semi-regular basis, I thought I was in reasonable shape, but a couple lengths of the pool quickly removed that notion :)
I think the main problem I have is that I lack technique. Whilst I can flail up and down the pool in something resembling the front crawl okay, my lack of efficiency and lack of breathing technique leave me drained very quickly. And lets not even begin to discuss the mess that is my attempts to do breast stroke.
Still, I guess I just need to keep at it, and perhaps I’ll improve. One funky thing I have discovered is the joys of perscription goggles (I got a pair of these). Makes trying to keep out of peoples’ way as I randomly try to stop sinking that little bit easier.