A tour of Koenigsegg

19 Jun 2012

This video is a nice factory tour of Swedish supercar manufacturer Koenigsegg:

The interviewer isn’t the most cutting journalist ever, but that’s fine, as it means that the firm’s owner, Christian von Koenigsegg, can just share his passion for the engineering detail that goes into building these exotic vehicles; things like weird materials they use to build the monocoque, how they store the fuel in the monocoque frame (just like my Buell has its fuel in the frame for a similar reason), down to the nice loop they have for building parts: 3D CAD model the first version, 3D print it, tweak the design by hand to feel better, then laser scan the changes to update the 3D CAD model, and repeat until happy.

If you’re at all interested in engineering of things like this, it’s worth a look.