The other day was watching a Joe Allam video where he was photographing bridges over the Tyne, and he asked viewers what their favourite bridges where. I started to think of bridges in my town and its river crossings, and realised none of them really inspired me. Then I walked passed this one, and it’s probably the best local bridge in my opinion.
This bridge, linking the Pitt Building and Stewart House is one of my favourite little details in Cambridge, mostly because I like the art deco style, how it is linking two buildings (something about this kind of bridge has appealed to me since childhood) and how they designers blended it with the different styles of building it connects by colour. The fact that it’s also a wave rather than a straight line is just the cherry on top of the cake.
It’s a real pain to photograph though, as my back is against a wall here, and the narrow lane beneath is never very bright compared to the top. Still, worth trying for a bridge like this.
28 February 2022
Sony A7RII with a Sigma 35mm f/2 lens
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• Cambridge